Lindor Chocolate Bouquet (Red/Milk) £25


Our award winning chocolate bouquets are a winner all year round, but make an extra special Christmas Gift! Each bouquet is handmade to order, lovingly crafted to create a traditional style handheld bouquet presented in a stylish display box for sitting comfortably on a table. The flowers we use to embellish your bouquet are made…


Our award winning chocolate bouquets are a winner all year round, but make an extra special Christmas Gift!

Each bouquet is handmade to order, lovingly crafted to create a traditional style handheld bouquet presented in a stylish display box for sitting comfortably on a table.

The flowers we use to embellish your bouquet are made from a colourfast foam, providing everlasting blooms long after the chocolate treats have been enjoyed.

This listing is for a Milk Chocolate Lindor (the red one!) Bouquet. If you require a different favour, please either leave a note for us at checkout or browse our other bouquet listings for the one you’d like.

All bouquets are made within 24hrs of ordering and posted same day, packaged very carefully by us, and dispatched in our custom made carry boxes to ensure the bouquets arrive in first class condition.

Please message us if you have any queries and we’ll be happy to help


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